Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scenes from the Olypen

A friend asked me what my days look like now, and the short answer is, not much. Physical therapy and shopping in Sequim, church, Bible study, and babysitting when Caitlin needs me. Not sleeping well because of leg pain.

But my most absorbing activity is discovering a new world. Not the Olympic Mountains, or the Ho Rainforest.  They are just two of the awesome things here, but there are so many other littler, daily discoveries.

Flocks of wild swans inhabit the farmland near us.

White-crowned sparrows here are not white at all.

Ice fog coats  the ground and freezes my fingers.

I ride the ferry to pick up my grandchildren.

Signs flash on the road to warn you of elk in the area. The elk are tagged so that they set off the lights when they get near the road. I've never seen it, but I'm told they gather together slowly, and start crossing the road, first a few, and then the whole herd.

There is a "Schmuck Road," a "Kitchen-Dick Road," and a "Johnny-Come-Lately Creek."

In the Jackson, Mo., post office, the clerk puts extra tape on my box before I even ask. In the Sequim office, the clerk tells me she can't put any tape on my box before I even ask.

What am I supposed to say when a woman standing next to me in the post office  says, "You have small feet!"? Am I supposed to say thank you?

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