Saturday, January 19, 2013

Lessons in Gratitude

My women's group is going through James MacDonald's Lord, Change My Attitude. This week we are to write down five things we are thankful for every night, then read it back the first thing in the morning. My first list, Jan. 18:
1) My children and grandchildren (Mike said that could be stretched out to make the whole list, but that's too easy.)
2)  My new friend D. (name withheld for her privacy)
3) Electric blankets (He said list the little things too)
4) A good hair stylist (Not such a little thing!)
5) My salvation

My prayer for tomorrow: Let me speak spiritually to others with a melody in my heart (Eph. 5:19)

I got up the next morning with bad pain in my left knee and the radio talking about people being blown to pieces in Algeria. Not the greatest incentives to start my day with praise. Tomorrow, no radio alarm, and remember to sleep with a pillow  between my knees as the therapist suggested--  which really does help.

My knee throbbing, I read the list over, and I am still thankful. MacDonald said, "Gratitude can be lived as a discipline." But discipline takes effort.

Next exercise: For 24 hours, don't complain. Write down every time I do. It's 10  a.m. Go. 

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