Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September brings rain, and Alex and Allyson.--Part 1

September is usually a glorious month on the OP. Lots of days are cooler, but a little more rain freshens things up, and gives the land a last gasp of summer glory. Labor Day weekend gives a last gasp of tourism--though it never completely dies down, like it does in other vacation spots I've been to in the off season.

That's because people here are different. The locals, that is. They live to recreate.

Take Alex and Allyson, a young couple who are staying in our guest cabin for a few weeks until they get their own apartment. They moved here from Iowa, and decided they liked Sequim because of the scenery and hiking, as well as the small town to live in. They camped in the mountains while he looked for a job. He found one, a pretty good one, too, through someone in our church, just last week, days before the deadline they had given themselves to return to Iowa. "It's a 'God thing,'" people often say. This is definitely a "God thing."

Opening our house to strangers, even ones from church, is a pretty new step for us. I was praying at home  that Mike would to it, while he was at a meeting at church, and decided we should do it if I agreed.

We're not worried about them staying too long. Alex' job will allow them to move into an apartment soon, and they already know they have a deadline, because our son Chris will be coming back in November to stay with us.

But "red flags" went up with others at church. Alex has "plugs" in his ears, and several tattoos. The church created a second service which would be more contemporary. And they are coming. But when they come, they are not like what the older generation wants.

Our relationship with Alex and Allyson, so far, though, has been all open doors. They are terribly appreciative. Alex was offered his job before he even met the boss. It's hard physical labor, preparing land for landscaping, but  Alex has a great work ethic. I asked Allyson if she would like to come with me to the women's Bible study starting next week, and she jumped at it. This is discipling made easy, or maybe it's God pushing us into it.

A Bible study tailored exactly for them (young Christians) just started. It  means they have to get us earlier, but since they're living with us...

Alex has quite a story, which I'm not going to share here. But let me just say this:  Some want to call the emerging church a bunch of liberal heretics, just because they are not younger clones of themselves. Please, give them a chance.

I tease Mike that he has become the edgy elder to lead the growth of the second service. Definitely a God thing.

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