Our shed was
converted to a guest cabin, and we learned that “if you build it, they will come!”
We invited guests from the Seattle area, and as far away as Missouri, and had
the pleasure of showing people the sights of the Olympic Peninsula. But our
favorite guests are our grandchildren. Lucy, the oldest, is four.
In February,
our grandson Freddie, 2, received a very serious burn on his left hand from
touching an iron. After two skin grafts, and diligent physical therapy by his
amazing and dedicated mother, our daughter Caitlin, Freddie was dismissed from
the doctor’s treatment in December. He is expected to have complete, normal use
of the hand.
A highlight
of 2013 for the Roarks was the birth of our second granddaughter, Penelope
Louise, October 5.
In November,
our son Chris and his wife Chanda came back from Thailand where they are
missionaries. We had an early Christmas with them, and they are now visiting
her family and other friends before returning to Thailand in February.